My good deed this week was nothing original. Same same, but different. Jesus repaid his Kiva loan, so I re-loaned the money to Pen Phala. Which mightn't have been the best choice, since all my loans are now due to be repaid around the same time in the second half of 2008, and I could have planned that better. Then again, Pen Phala couldn't have, and I know the feeling.

You see, in cycle news things are also same same, but different. Every time I see FS these days, he ends up rubbing his eyes as if he wants to wake up and just start the morning all over again. Remember I got a distinction in recurrent miscarriage testing? Well, I flunked suppression. I'm going to have to sit this whole supplementary exam.

Nobody's quite sure how I went so wrong. You see, a couple of weeks ago I got a line on the OPK which was, alright, not darker than the control line, but just as dark as any I've ever seen during a normal cycle. It was more or less when I'd expect to ovulate as well, the relatively poor reliability of my ovulation pattern notwithstanding. Then right on cue it went away again. Now, I didn't temp, so I'm not sure what happened after that, except my period arrived at the expected time last Saturday and it was, I'll admit, lighter than usual but certainly within the realms of normal. Today I have a nice, ripe, 24mm follicle* on one ovary. And a nice, ripe, 16mm on the other. Despite** over two weeks of synarel.

I mean, two follicles. Like one ovary decided on the joke, and the other thought it would be just hilarious to ride in on the punchline.

So IVF/ICSI#2 was in danger of being... well "cancelled" just sounds so negative - why not go with "postponed" or "rescheduled"?

This afternoon I've been told, mysteriously enough, that the hormone levels from my post-scan blood test look "better" than expected, and I am to keep taking synarel and come in tomorrow for... another scan and blood test? a trigger injection? a coffee and croissant over the morning paper? At this point I have declined to find out, in favour of relishing the excited anticipation which stems from just such a mystery. What will tomorrow morning bring? I've had a few guesses - go ahead and weigh in with a few of your own!

*slash cyst, I guess, although don't quote me.

**or arguably because of...

The Fifty Good Deeds Fund is now up to a huge $85.45!


Geohde said...


I'm so sorry.

The irony of misbehaving ovaries deciding to have potential follicular activity in the face of Synaerl is not lost on me.

Hopefully they're not actually hormonally active and can be ignored?

Sarah said...

oh crap. are they thinking your story hasn't been exciting enough, now you need some mystery? get it together ovaries, we're ready for the happy ending part!

beagle said...

This kind of intrigue and excitement you can live without I imagine!

Staying tuned . . .

ColourYourWorld said...

Like it isn't all hard enough with extra surprises.
All the best for the morning.

Samantha said...

Surprises, unexpected plot turns, we could be writing the book, Our Bodies, Our Hormones, and How They Tried to Screw Us Over. It would definitely be action-packed and full of suspense... and waiting.

I'm sorry about this. I'm all too familiar with having unexpected problems come in to foul up the works. I suppose that's why doctors do these tests, because even though most of the time they're as expected, sometimes they can be quite surprises.

Serenity said...

Good freaking grief, will you PLEASE get a break?


I hope today's scan shows good news.

Thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

Damn. I'm sorry, Bea. I hope your ovaries take a hint, and soon.

Congrats on the Good Deeds Fund.

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

How frustrating. I hope that your testing goes well in the morning.

Portia P said...

What are your ovaries like?? How freaking annoying!

I hope your scan brings better news and your ovaries get with the program.


Lollipop Goldstein said...

Isn't surprise the spice of life? Who knows what the next blood work will bring! Oy, Bea. I'm sorry--I wish it could be straightforward.

Dr. Grumbles said...

Good luck with the next testing. At this point... who knows???

megan said...

sweet louise. i'm so sorry your ovaries are more interested in jokes and trickery than in doing what they are supposed to be doing. i hope your appointment tomorrow goes well...hopefully your ovaries were just being comic magicians and were hiding loads of follicles from you and the professionals. . .

Lut C. said...

I can hear them snickering all the way to here!

Thalia said...

ah bollocks, our bodies just don't want to play ball, eh? Let's hope they are empty follicles on the way out of a cycle - that's the best option, right?

Pamela T. said...

I'm hoping you get some good news in the morning...very sorry that the ovaries were so stingy this time around.

P.S. you might want to avoid watching my IInfertilityFF submission for a few days...

Rachel Inbar said...

Bea, I had to stop by, even though I'm computerless in Chicago... I've told several people here how much I admire you and your blog... (If you start getting traffic from Chicago, you'll know why.)

I'm so glad your cycle is moving forward.

Congrats on the Google amount!

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