Infertility-related blogs which are not personal accounts.

Email me at infertilefantasies at gmail dot com if you have anything to add.

  • AIH - artificial insemmination with husband's (or partner's) sperm
  • beta - beta hCG (pregnancy blood test)
  • BFP/N - big fat postive/negative (pregnancy test)
  • CD - cycle day (eg CD1 - the first day of the cycle)
  • D&C - dilatation and curettage
  • dpo - days post ovulation
  • dpt - days post transfer
  • ?dp?dt - ? days post ? day transfer (eg one day post two-day transfer = 1dp2dt)
  • E2 - blood oestrogen level
  • EPU - egg pick-up (or egg retrieval)
  • ET - embryo transfer
  • FET - frozen embryo transfer
  • FS - fertility specialist (also the "name" I give my Australian IVF specialist)
  • FSH - follicle stimulating hormone
  • GP - general practitioner (primary care doctor)
  • hCG - human chorionic gonadotrophin
  • HPT - home pregnancy test; a kind of peestick
  • HSGF - High School Girlfriend (from this post)
  • ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection
  • IVF - in vitro fertilisation
  • lap/hyst/dye - laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and dye study
  • LH - luteinising hormone
  • LP - luteal phase
  • MD - Miscarriage Doctor (the "name" I give to my specialist at the recurrent miscarriage clinic)
  • MF/MFI - male factor infertility
  • OHSS - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  • OI - ovulation induction
  • OPK - ovulation predictor kit; another type of peestick
  • P4 - blood progesterone level
  • peestick - a urine test stick, such as an HPT or OPK
  • SA - sperm analysis
  • SOB - Singapore Obstetrician (the "name" I give my Singaporean OB/GYN, even though he's really nice)
  • TTC - trying to conceive
  • UF - University Friend (formerly known as my STAR, from these posts)

Please post a comment if there's one I've missed.

This page is for those who don't have a child living at home over whom they have legal, permanent guardianship. As such, it includes parents and step-parents whose children are permanently cared for elsewhere, those whose children are no longer living, temporary foster carers, and couples who have chosen to live child free.

I'll kick you out when you see a heartbeat or get matched with a specific child of your own. If this isn't good for you, let me know.

Also! Not all these blogs are active anymore. However, I'm keeping them here unless they're actually removed from the internet. Some of the archives are great, plus you never know when a blogger is going to pop up again out of the blue.

Email me at infertilefantasies at gmail dot com if you have anything to add or change.

These are those who are officially on the way - they have no living children at home, (the odd step-child who lives elsewhere, perhaps), but they've seen the heartbeat or been matched with a particular child.

Email me at infertilefantasies at gmail dot com if you have anything to add.

This blogroll is for all the infertile parents with kids at home. Some of them have completed their families, some are actively trying for another, and others are just taking some time off to smell the nappies, as it were.

Email me at infertilefantasies at gmail dot com if you have anything to add.

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