- AIH - artificial insemmination with husband's (or partner's) sperm
- beta - beta hCG (pregnancy blood test)
- BFP/N - big fat postive/negative (pregnancy test)
- CD - cycle day (eg CD1 - the first day of the cycle)
- D&C - dilatation and curettage
- dpo - days post ovulation
- dpt - days post transfer
- ?dp?dt - ? days post ? day transfer (eg one day post two-day transfer = 1dp2dt)
- E2 - blood oestrogen level
- EPU - egg pick-up (or egg retrieval)
- ET - embryo transfer
- FET - frozen embryo transfer
- FS - fertility specialist (also the "name" I give my Australian IVF specialist)
- FSH - follicle stimulating hormone
- GP - general practitioner (primary care doctor)
- hCG - human chorionic gonadotrophin
- HPT - home pregnancy test; a kind of peestick
- HSGF - High School Girlfriend (from this post)
- ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection
- IVF - in vitro fertilisation
- lap/hyst/dye - laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and dye study
- LH - luteinising hormone
- LP - luteal phase
- MD - Miscarriage Doctor (the "name" I give to my specialist at the recurrent miscarriage clinic)
- MF/MFI - male factor infertility
- OHSS - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- OI - ovulation induction
- OPK - ovulation predictor kit; another type of peestick
- P4 - blood progesterone level
- peestick - a urine test stick, such as an HPT or OPK
- SA - sperm analysis
- SOB - Singapore Obstetrician (the "name" I give my Singaporean OB/GYN, even though he's really nice)
- TTC - trying to conceive
- UF - University Friend (formerly known as my STAR, from these posts)
Please post a comment if there's one I've missed.
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